Been listening to a lot of music,
most of it much different then what I first started on my quest for good music. Before it was mostly rock, punk, kinda emo, self loathing, angry music.
Now I find that something with a jazzy feel to it, something I can just lay back and flow with is all I really listen now.
Why the drastic change in music?
Well this may sound weird to you, but I believe our choice in music is relevent to our maturity level and way of life.
Sounds nuts right? lol Well let me explain...
maturity level- we all know there are some really childish, stupid, and lets face it; POINTLESS music out there. The genre that fits the above description would have to be rap. Im sure many would disagree but to be, this has got to be the most pointless crap ever to enter my ear canal.
Sure getting money, women, and cars is a good thing, but really is that all this people want out of life?
These are people who are immature to the fullest, only thinking about things that make you look good but will do you know good in the future. Sure having a 'stack' now makes you look good, even if your ugly, but where will that 'stack' be once its time to enter the real world and do real things with your life? and you think those woman that your so proud you slept with are gonna be around when the money dries up? I think not.
So next time you hear 'lil wayne' or 'gucci mane' I hope you feel real dumb and look at how its influencing you to make a ass of yourself
Then we get to our rock. Don't get me wrong, its not immature, in fact in most cases it expresses the inner rage of most teens all over the world. Remember the key word being TEENS. At some point in your life, you need to learn to let go of all that hate and anger, and then you can move forward into adult hood. I could go on and on about all the other different genres but I'll stop it there.
Way of life- in most cases its the same as our maturity level, if you listen to rock all day your bound to have a very unruly, very confusing, and very extreme way of life. Extreme in this case not being a good thing. Your inner termoil exceeds the extreme partying you did all night, because when you wake up in the morning with a sore ass and ripped off clothes, you'll realize it just added to it.
Lets take my musical preference now. House, jazz, smooth listening. I think its what , calm me down to the person i am now. Not saying I'm little miss angel, but I was a very angry, easily pissed off person before. And now I am much more calm, much easier to get along with, much quicker to let something go. I think I owe a lot of that to my music choice. When I flow on the wave of music, none of my problems seem to matter anymore... like it just floats right out of me. I'm taking to this other place where I can just relax and be me.
Lol well in my mind anyway.
My music is my best friend and greatest lover. Who could ask for anything more?
Everything that's popular will have a lack of substance. When people want to make popular music, they always aim for the lowest common denominator. Its just easier to get border-er appeal doing so.
ReplyDeleteIts a lot of rap artist that aren't just about benz and bitches. (Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common ,etc) Like its a lot of rock thats super happy rock (Owl city, The cab, Any Disney channel artist, etc) So saying a genre is an indicator of ones maturity level is really over generalizing in my opinion.
I would say its more artist to artist. Like you could imagine someone who has a soldier boy cd is not on they're grown man/women.
oh for some easy easy listening You can go to and make a playlist with Imogen Heap.Or if your looking for some more soulful music you should make a John Legend playlist.