Sunday, December 18, 2011


Was browzing through some old photo's and video's of me and some old friends, back when we all still liked each other and I grew quite nostalgic. I really miss those days, there was nothing better then having great fun with my best friends, before everyone grew sour and suspicious of any and everyones intentions. I really miss those days, long summer nights staying up and acting a fool, playing rock band, going to the library and printing a million pics of anime, and learning to play bust a groove and space channel 5 for the first time, why couldnt things just say simple like they used to? But everyone grows up and moves on to different things and life styles and what not i guess but still, I long for that innocence's, that approach on life, that time shared with all my loved ones.

But alas, things are different as everyone changes with time, some people more drastically then other, and most situation doing a complete 180 flip. But if history has told us anything, the past always repeats its self, so maybe one day things will be the same again.... Untill then I'll sit and remember foundly of the fun I had as I continue moving forward, towards the fun that awaits me. Cuz thats all any of us can do.

Ja ne ~

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